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2 Marzo 2021

Turn a Closet Into a Desk : 19 Steps

Using a regular clothes iron set to the “cotton” setting, carefully press the edging onto the plywood edge until the glue melts and adheres the edging. You may need to do one general-purpose pass first, then apply pressure on a bit of an angle to get the sides to really stick securely. The U-shaped shelf has five pocket holes along the long edge, and two for each of the short sections. For each of the shelf edges I added three pocket holes; one on each end and one in the middle. The shelf configuration I chose here is made up of one U-shaped shelf that spans the width of the closet, plus four more shelves tucked into the spaces at either end of the closet.

“Your work surface defines your space and should support the tasks that you need to get done,” explains Whitney Marx, CEO at MarxModa. And don’t forget to look up, since there’s plenty of room above that’s likely not being used. Sophie has been an interior stylist and journalist for over 20 years and has worked for many of the main interior magazines during that time, both in-house and as a freelancer. For H&G, she writes features about interior design – and is known for having an eye for a beautiful room.

How to Turn a Closet Into an Office (a Cloffice!)

Once all the supports have been installed, be sure to test-fit each shelf in its proper space. As with the desktop, you’ll be surprised at how not-square and not-flat the walls are, which can lead to poor fit. We hope our closet office ideas will help you in creating your own functional home office. Check the images here and see if you like to replicate one or two in your home. This design by Klassen Remodeling & Design features a closet-turned-office that incorporates a built-in desk and shelving, as well as a cozy seating area for relaxing.

This is where an exact understanding of what it takes to make your office a success is essential. Measure out the counter space you can spare to use as a desk and add the items that have to be close at hand, even if that’s just your laptop and a printer in the corner. Add a shelf over your desk for a picture of your pet, a reference book, and the souvenir mug from your last vacation, and you’re set—all the space you need. Almost everyone has to bring their work home with them at some time. It could be a stack of paperwork or even saved on a laptop computer.

Closet office ideas – 10 clever ways to create home working space

Sand all surfaces smooth and clean up the work area. Find a good location behind the desk and install electrical switch and outlet. Keep the electrical wiring separated from the phone and ethernet wiring as far as possible to avoid electrical interference in the data lines.

working remotely in a different time zone

For a good finish, the surface of the wood must be absolutely clear of dust, and should stay that way until the finish is fully dry. He picked the colour – a deep violet – and I surprised him by adding lighting accents. The entire process took a few weeks of work spread over evenings and weekends. Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 4 million WordPress sites.

Category: Education

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