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5 Marzo 2021

Multi-Tenant Architecture SaaS App Design Best Practices

In this case, Marten is able to provision new tenant databases on the fly when a new tenant id is encountered for the first time. That will obviously depend on the application having sufficient permissions for this to work. We think this option may be mostly suitable for development and automated testing rather than production usage. To ensure data isolation and security in a Multi-Tenant Architecture, employ strict data isolation mechanisms such as separate schemas, tenant-specific encryption, and access control. Regularly update and patch the application to minimize security vulnerabilities.

There are several helpers in the Marten codebase that will hopefully make this task easier. Failing all else, please feel free to ask questions in the Marten’s Discord channel about custom multi-tenancy strategies. Marten V5.0 largely rewired the internals Service Desk Engineer to be aware of multiple databases in features such as the database cleaning, the async projection daemon, and the database migrations. Being able to sell more, sell easily and particularly to sell on-prem, is a significant upside of database multi-tenancy.

The Definitive Guide to Data Classification

If we ever mistakenly shared one customer’s data with another, it would be a disaster for them and us. Table multi-tenancy means the tenant logic lives in the application layer and thus offers many opportunities to make mistakes and leak data. It’s a combination of Single Database, shared schema, and Database per tenant. Tenants share a database and schema with other tenants but are spread over multiple databases. Multi-tenant database model is growing at a fast pace as more and more SaaS enterprises seek to utilize this model. The Tessell DBaaS platform has been designed in a way that makes it a truly unique platform to address and alleviate the shortcomings of a multi-tenant model with such ease.

We have a proven track record of transforming businesses with our software development solutions for many years. We leverage the latest technologies and trends and have a team of talented and experienced developers and consultants to ensure the timely delivery of your SaaS project. We can also assist you in building a secure and scalable multi-tenant infrastructure, optimizing performance while reducing expenses and simplifying maintenance.

Single Tenant vs Multi-Tenant – What Does Each Term Mean?

Some MongoDB commands work only
between collections in the same database. In a schema-based multitenancy architecture, each custom uses its own database schema. We’re a small bootstrapped company whose product and architecture make extensive use of the database and have strong requirements around tenant isolation.

database multi tenancy

The ultimate goal of multi-tenancy is to significantly reduce an area of complexity, with the trade-off being some additional complexity. So first, let’s look at some examples of multi-tenancy approaches and their advantages and disadvantages. We’ll be implementing these later with Entity Framework Core and ASP.NET Core. To keep the back-end project architecture neat, all the DB-specific piping (session, connections logic, etc.) is contained in a dedicated project called Database that’s exposed to the domain layer (project Domain) only. Firstly, the set based operations mentioned above still allows passing a raw RQL to the database (see YABT example) that may contain an incorrect tenant reference. While IAsyncTenantedDocumentSession prevents devs from running CRUD operations for non-current tenants, it’s still admittedly not bulletproof.

Category: Education

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