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Category Archives: Generative AI

50 Useful Generative AI Examples in 2023
50 Useful Generative AI Exam...
7+ use-cases of generative AI in marketing However, users should be careful in the way they employ AI because even the prompts you feed into ...
Mag 26, 2023 , 0
Bots and Touts: A summary of offences potentially committed by bot owners and ticket resellers Insights
Bots and Touts: A summary of...
Review extracted purchase invoices in Receipt Bot This manual supplement is now included in the BOT-2 complete kit, but can also be purchased separately; see ...
Mag 16, 2023 , 0
Would having a chatbot benefit your eCommerce website?
Would having a chatbot benef...
What relevance do Chatbots have to B2B ecommerce? The consumer no longer needs to be shopping to see something they would like to purchase. As ...
Apr 21, 2023 , 0
Chatbot use cases: 25 real-life examples
Chatbot use cases: 25 real-l...
AI for Fieldwork: ChatGPT vs Bard For lead generation, the primary method customers offer companies is a lead generation form. While this is a good ...
Mar 13, 2023 , 0
12 Best Ecommerce Chatbots Actually Worth the Money 2023
12 Best Ecommerce Chatbots A...
The AI-enabled text-based chatbot has been widely used in the online purchasing process. On the one hand, the service provided by a text-based chatbot can ...
Nov 24, 2022 , 0